
Established in 2013, Octaevo is a product design brand with a commitment to celebrating customs and cultures from the Mediterranean. Octaevo's strength lies in their creativity. They produce extraordinary objects for the desk and home, and their work reveals inspiration and authenticity in every sense.


In Octaevo are constantly monitoring trends and fashion and try to offer their clients an original product for an affordable price that is not only well designed and functional, but that also serves them as a source of inspiration, gives them a sense of quality and a longing to treasure it. Their versatile products appeal to lovers of design, creatives and those looking for something unique. We are sure each piece will inspire and brighten up your day to day life.

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19 products

Mini Paper Vase ElysiaMini Paper Vase Elysia
Mini Paper Vase BesoMini Paper Vase Beso
Mini Paper Vase Beso Sale price16,50€
Mini Paper Vase GaiaMini Paper Vase Gaia
Mini Paper Vase Gaia Sale price16,50€
Paper Vase VesuvioPaper Vase Vesuvio
Paper Vase Vesuvio Sale price19,50€
Paper Vase Miró Main À La Poursuite D'un OiseauPaper Vase Miró Main À La Poursuite D'un Oiseau
Blue Hamsa Paper VaseBlue Hamsa Paper Vase
Blue Hamsa Paper Vase Sale price19,50€
Emporio Paper VaseEmporio Paper Vase
Emporio Paper Vase Sale price24,50€
Emporio Mini Paper VaseEmporio Mini Paper Vase
Bazaar Paper VaseBazaar Paper Vase
Bazaar Paper Vase Sale price14,50€
Janus Paper VaseJanus Paper Vase
Janus Paper Vase Sale price19,50€
Greco Paper VaseGreco Paper Vase
Greco Paper Vase Sale price19,50€
Paper Vase Jaime Hayon - WhitePaper Vase Jaime Hayon - White
Mini Vesuvio Paper VaseMini Vesuvio Paper Vase
Apolino Mini Paper VaseApolino Mini Paper Vase
Mini Paper Vase JanusMini Paper Vase Janus
Mini Paper Vase Janus Sale price14,50€
Paper Vase Olimpo Claire JohnsonPaper Vase Olimpo Claire Johnson
Sold out I want it
White Venus Paper VaseWhite Venus Paper Vase
Sold out I want it
Mini Pink Hamsa Paper VaseMini Pink Hamsa Paper Vase
New Sold out I want it
Mini Florero de Papel GizaMini Florero de Papel Giza


En Octaevo hacen un seguimiento constante de las tendencias, la moda y tratan de ofrecer a sus clientes un producto original por un precio asequible que no solo esté bien diseñado y sea funcional, sino que también les sirva de fuente de inspiración, les dé una sensación de calidad y un anhelo de atesorarlo. Sus versátiles productos atraen a los amantes del diseño, a los creativos y a quienes buscan algo único. Estamos seguros de que cada pieza inspirará y alegrará tu día a día.